Fire ants are a nuisance in Seattle. Also, these destructive pests can sting you a lot of times at once. This is the reason you want to take steps to prevent a fire ants infestation in your house. Effective pest control is your defense against these pests. If you have a fire ant issue in your house, read more about how these ants can end up in your home and how to handle an infestation below:

Things to Know About Fire Ants

Fire ants are quite distinctive because of their fiery red color and aggressive demeanor. Even if they are small, fire ants are quite active and quick, usually scurrying around in big groups. These ants build big mound nests that you can easily notice in your garden or lawn. Because fire ants are defense, do not come too close to them or disturb their nests. 

Fire ants deliver a painful sting that can result in red, itchy welts or serious allergic reactions. You and your fur friends can fall victim to such ants. 

Signs that Fire Ants Have Invaded Your Property

There are different signs of a fire ants infestation. Fire ants prefer to stay outside, away from humans in nearby houses. But as they look for food, they can enter your house through small openings. These ants build mounds that look like hills made of loose dirt in yards. But these mounds do not have a central hole near their top. If these ants think their nests are in danger, they will swarm out of their mounds and attack. 

What Draws Fire Ants to Your Home?

Fire ants are pests you will never want to be in your house. They can be aggressive and can sting you, making them dangerous guests to have around, particularly if someone in your family is allergic to fire ant stings. But you might draw these ants to your home due to the following reasons:

  • Availability of scraps. Fire ants search for food scraps. So, having plenty of garbage around your house will attract them. You can prevent this by cleaning up floors and surfaces.
  • Exterior wall holes. These tiny ants can enter your house through small exterior wall holes from broken vents in brick. Also, they can get inside through holes in walls from utility cables. 
  • Foor storage. Fire ants want to search for food that they can carry back to their colonies. They can feast on pet food left outside. So, ensure any food sources for ants are stored in airtight containers. 
  • Moisture problems. For fire ants to survive, they need a certain moisture level. Sometimes, they can set up camp in wall voids and rooftops. If your area is prone to infestations, repair all leaks around your house and inspect all pipes within the walls. 

Reasons Fire Ants are an Issue

Fire ants can destroy vegetation and can attack in huge numbers. The venom from their stings produces a painful, burning feeling. If you get stung by fire ants, you will feel pain around the bite. Also, you may experience itching and swelling, along with pus-filled blisters. If you have allergic reactions to the venom, you may experience difficulty breathing or throat swelling.