Given the warm and humid conditions, cockroaches are a persistent problem in Florida homes. The state is a habitat for many cockroach species, particularly the German and American cockroaches. These are the most commonly found in homes, and it is important to determine the reasons that contribute to their infestations. 

While some people are only bothered by the appearance of cockroaches, they also pose health threats. They are known carriers of harmful pathogens and allergens, which can contaminate food and surface areas. One of the reasons why it is incredibly difficult to eliminate cockroaches is because of their adaptability skills. 

Cockroaches are known to have survived the most extreme conditions. Moreover, they have a high reproduction rate. A single female cockroach can produce dozens of offspring in a short period. This is why it is recommended that you call a professional Horizon West Pest Control team as soon as you find one of these roaming around the house. 

Factors that make it difficult for Florida homeowners to eradicate cockroaches 

Florida homeowners find it very challenging to eliminate cockroaches from their properties. It is important to understand why that is to determine the root of the problem. 

Favorable environmental conditions

One of the reasons why cockroaches are abundant in Florida is due to the state’s tropical and subtropical climates. Cockroaches, along with other pests, thrive in such weather. During the extreme cold season and rainy conditions, they seek refuge inside your homes where they can find warmth and shelter. 

High reproductive rate

Cockroaches can turn from 10 to 100 in no time. They have a high reproductive rate, which makes it all the more difficult to eliminate them. One female cockroach can reproduce hundreds of others in a lifetime. For example, the American cockroach can reproduce 30-40 egg cases throughout her lifespan. Each of these egg cases contains 14-16 eggs. 

Get Rid of Cockroaches

Common sources of food

Cockroaches will just eat about anything and are not picky. Therefore, anything that you have available at or around your house will attract them. In residential settings, cockroaches are particularly attracted to food remnants, pet food, and open garbage bins. Even the smallest of spills or crumbs, when not cleaned on time, can attract these critters. 

Preferred hiding spots

Just like any other animal or pest, cockroaches require shelter apart from food. They are mainly found in the dark, moist, and warm areas of your house where they reproduce. This includes kitchens, bathrooms, and corners of living spaces. Since they are so good at hiding, it becomes challenging for homeowners to find and eliminate them. 

Resilience and adaptability

Cockroaches are highly resilient creatures. They have evolved over millions of years and can withstand just about any harsh condition. For example, did you know that a cockroach can survive for weeks without its head? They can also be resistant to certain pesticides as they are also highly adaptable. This is why traps and sprays do not work on them anymore. 

Resistant to home remedies

Cockroaches have not just developed resistance to professional methods but home and DIY remedies as well. Natural substances, such as boric acid or diatomaceous earth, can help up to a certain point. However, they do not solve the problem entirely. Moreover, most homeowners improperly apply these remedies, which diminishes their effectiveness. 

Harsh external environmental conditions

Even though cockroaches can survive harsh conditions, they will still prefer to run inside your home when it becomes challenging outside. Factors like construction, urbanization, and heavy rainfall can force cockroaches to leave their outdoor habitats. For example, weather conditions like a flood can destroy a cockroach nest, driving them towards your property. 

Eliminate cockroaches today!

Cockroaches are among the most difficult to remove from your property. This is where a professional pest control service comes in. Call them today for an inspection!