Living in Texas has many advantages, but one thing Texas struggles with is its ocean of pests. Due to the warm and humid climate, many kinds of pests and rodents thrive in the environment. If you are a resident here, you should be well aware of the pests and how to control them. 

That being said, controlling household pests can be a big task. Before you know it, you will have an infestation and a house full of these little invaders. Call for Round Rock, TX pest control before the problem advances. 

Most common pests in Texas.

  • Ants.

More than 200 species of ants are found in Texas alone. Most of them are harmless to humans. However, some of them, like fire ants and carpenter ants, pose a threat to humans and their property. If disturbed, fire ants can cause very painful bites to humans. 

Carpenter ants, on the other hand, are not known to bite humans. However, they can cause damage to your property by gnawing down your home’s internal structure. Carpenter ants lay their eggs in a damp and moist environment. 

  • Mosquitoes.

Texas is home to about 85 species of mosquitoes. However, Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, and Culex pipiens are some of the most common ones. Mosquitoes love standing water and thrive best in warm environments. They can transmit various diseases in humans, such as Zika virus and West Nile virus. 

To eliminate these pests from your property, make sure to remove standing water in your garden, buckets, bird bath, etc. You can also use mosquito repellents and screens on doors and windows to keep these annoying pests away from your property. 

  • Termites.

Termites, like many other pests, love moisture. If you want a termite-free home, try eliminating moisture from your property or the foundation of your home as much as possible. Their main source of nutrition is cellulose. Therefore, they love feeding on wood. They can damage your furniture and infrastructure by eating down the wood. 

To keep termites away from your property, stack firewood away from your home. Due to their tiny size, they can squeeze through the smallest holes to enter in your property. Therefore, make sure to seal entry points and fix any crevices or cracks immediately.

  • Aphids.

Aphids are known to cause damage to your garden by eating down the plants and flowers. These tiny insects are about 3 millimeters in length and love to feed on sap and moisture from the plant tissue. 

The presence of tiny white or green pests around the plant, yellowed leaves, and the growth of black sooty mold are common signs of an aphid invasion. They can multiply very quickly, and an adult aphid can lay more than 150 eggs in a single month

Say goodbye to these pests and take control of your home today! Call pest control services for professional treatments.